Legal notices, responsibilities and intellectual property rights.
Update, 14 january 2016
This website belongs to the Tourist Board for the East of Reunion Island
Tourist Board for the East of Reunion Island
Head office adress : Maison Martin Valliamée, 1590 Chemin du Centre, 97440 SAINT-ANDRE
Phone number : +262 262 461 616
Email :
This website is subject to French law.
Executive director of Tourist Board for the East of Reunion Island
This website is hosted by :
MEDIALIGHT MULTIMEDIA, Sarl with a capital of 15.250 € founded in 1992
RCS St-Denis de la Reunion B 385 010 228
APE Code 6201Z
SIRET : 38501022800034
Adress : 16 rue Claude Chappe - ZAE 2000 - 97420 Le Port - La Réunion - France
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